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Pastor Brad Whiteford
Wife: Dawn Whiteford
Daughter: Lydia Whiteford
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Brad came to Central Baptist Church as the Youth Pastor in July of 2012 from Falmouth Kentucky. In September of 2013 Brad transitioned from Youth Pastor to Pastor. Originally Brad is from Troy, Ohio, but has spent that last several years serving in churches in West Virginia and Kentucky. Brad is married to his wife Dawn and they have one daughter, Lydia. Brad and Dawn both enjoy cooking and hanging out with Lydia.
Brad works full time as a Business Consultant for a national restaurant chain. Brad’s favorite movie of all time is “The Princess Bride.” He is also pretty sure that Marvel® crushes DC® any and every day of the week. This fall you will find the family on Friday nights watching the Batavia Bulldog Marching Band which Lydia is apart of.
Brad did not take the most direct route to becoming a preacher, but feels God laid that desire on his heart shortly after he came to Christ at 12 years old. God has done amazing things with many of the weird decisions that he has made. He firmly holds onto Proverbs 3:5-6 and declares his life as proof. It was his wife’s encouragement to follow Gods leading to become a Pastor about 9 years ago and to quit making excuses to why God could not use him in this way. Brad enjoys watching Jesus change lives and counts it a privileges to be used by God.
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